In applying for and accepting a place to study for an APIEM Academy course you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:
1) Once your enrolment on the APIEM Academy course is accepted and your course fee has been paid you will have access to the APIEM Academy online learning course materials.
2) You will have three months to complete the APIEM Academy course.
3) Your access to the APIEM Academy online learning resources will end after three months from the date you commenced your APIEM Academy course.
4) If you do not pass at the first attempt the assessment for your APIEM Academy course you will have the opportunity to resubmit your assignment (one time only) at no additional cost.
5) Your enrolment on the APIEM Academy course cannot be transferred to another person, it is individual to yourself.
6) The assignment that you undertake and submit for the APIEM Academy course must be your own work and must not include the ideas of any other person. If plagiarism occurs you will not be awarded an APIEM Academy qualification.
7) Upon successful completion of your APIEM Academy course you will receive an e-certificate sent to you by email. Original hard copy, signed and stamped certificates can be provided by airmail at an additional cost.
8) No refund can be made of your course fee by the APIEM Academy. In exceptional mitigating circumstances (at the discretion of the APIEM Academy) your period of enrolment could be extended.
9) The copyright of all the APIEM Academy learning resources rests with the Asia Pacific Institute for Events Management (except those that are from open-access sources, for example Youtube). The APIEM Academy learning resources cannot be re-produced, copied or shared (in any format) with any other person or organisation.
10) In becoming a student of the APIEM Academy you accept that your program of study is 100% online, that the learning materials provided through the APIEM Academy website are complete in themselves and that you study at your own pace as an independent, self-directed learner.
11) To access the APIEM Academy online learning resources you will need a reliable, high speed internet connection and the use of a laptop or a wide screen tablet.
12) The software used for completing the written assignments for the APIEM Certified Event Qualifications will be Microsoft Word and Excel. Your assignment will be submitted to the APIEM Academy as a PDF file.
13) The method of communication between yourself and the APIEM Academy will primarily be through email. Text messages sent to the APIEM Academy through social media channels will not be answered.
14) For part of the assessment of your APIEM Certified Event Qualification you will have a personal interview with an APIEM Certified Event Educator using software such as Zoom, Whatsapp or an equivalent digital communication software.
15) The APIEM Academy will normally reply to the emails you send to apiemacademy@gmail.com within 48 hours.
16) All APIEM Academy learning resources are provided in the English language and English is the language for writing your assignment.
17) You agree to abide by the APIEM Academy policies, procedures, and academic regulations as provided for you in the course learning handbooks and available on the APIEM Academy website.