Dr. Karen Miranda Fernandez

Dr. Karen Miranda-Fernandez is an educator, author, practitioner, and international speaker in the field of events, tourism, and hospitality. She is the Vice President for Education and Accreditation of Asia Pacific Institute for Events Management (APIEM) and President of APIEM Events Management Services.
She has been appointed as visiting professor in UCSI University, Management and Science University, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), and Olympia College in Malaysia; Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, Sahid Tourism Institute of Surakarta, and Bandung Institute of Tourism in Indonesia; National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Maha Sarakham University, Naresuan University, North Bangkok University, and Burapha University in Thailand; and Chung Hua University and Ming Chuan University in Taiwan.
She was a postdoctoral scholar at School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality in Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom. She holds a doctoral degree in Business Management specialized in Hospitality Management and master’s degree in Business Administration major in Hotel and Restaurant Management both earned at Philippine Women’s University, Manila.
Her research interests include events management, sustainable tourism, and hospitality management. She has participated and presented research papers in a number of international academic conferences held in Taiwan, Dubai, USA, Hong Kong, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, and United Kingdom. She has served as keynote speaker and session chair in international conferences and a member of Scientific and Editorial Review Board of Journal of Responsible Tourism Management; Asia Pacific International Events Management Journal; and Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, and Travel.
Dr. Fernandez is one of the book authors of International Best Practice in Event Management and Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Management.