Registration Fees


  • For participants who have their paper accepted for presentation at the conference a registration fee of USD 75.00 will be charged.
  • For Master`s degree or Doctoral students who are currently registered on a Postgraduate program of study who have their paper accepted for presentation at the conference a registration fee of USD 50.00 will be charged.
  • All papers that are submitted to one of the conference journals for publication will be published subject to the decision of the editorial board of the journal. Acceptance of a paper for the conference does not guarantee that the paper will be published in one of the conference journals. Any costs for publishing in one of the conference journals has to be paid by the authors of the paper and these costs are not included in the conference registration fee.
  • For participants who will not be presenting a paper but who require an e-certificate of participation there is a registration fee of US$ 10.00.
  • For participants who will not be presenting a paper and do not require a certificate of participation the conference is free of charge.
  • All registration fees will be payable to the Asia Pacific Institute for Events Management through PayPal.