Registration Fees
For participants who have their paper accepted for presentation at the conference the following registration fees will be charged:
Residential paper presenters: USD 285
Non-residential paper presenters: USD 185
Online paper presenters: USD 85
All papers that are submitted to one of the conference journals for publication will be published subject to the decision of the editorial board of the journal. Acceptance of a paper for the conference does not guarantee that the paper will be published in one of the conference journals. Any costs for publishing in one of the conference journals have to be paid by the authors of the paper and these costs are not included in the conference registration fee.
The registration fees include:
Residential paper presenter USD 285 – Lombok airport pick-up and drop off transfers to the conference venue; 3 nights bed & breakfast accommodation at the Lombok Tourism Polytechnic campus hotel, check-in 25th October to check-out 28th October; all lunches and evening meals 25th October to 27th October; attendance at the conference; inclusion in the study tour program on 27th October; extended abstract published in the conference proceedings; participation in the International Mandalika Festival; certificate of participation.
Non-residential paper presenter USD 185 – all lunches and evening meals 26th October to 27th October; attendance at the conference; inclusion in the study tour program on 27th October; extended abstract published in the conference proceedings; participation in the International Mandalike Festival; certificate of participation.
Online paper presenter USD 85 – online attendance at the conference; extended abstract published in the conference proceedings; online certificate of participation.